ACE Fryrite Filter Machine


ACE Fryrite Filter Machine

The Fryrite filters & purifies down to 12microns - this means dramatic extension of the life & quality of frying oil, which will save you the cost of the machine within approximately 6 months! (Based on using 2drums of oil per week).

The Fryrite is lightweight, compact and safe to use – no manual handling of hot oil.

• Capacity 10 litres / minute (150 degrees celsius)

• 240V 10amp 50hz

• 40 litre total capacity models

• Filter Papers available


• Total draining angled filter tank base

• Elevated corners to prevent build-up of oil after filtration

• Temperature protected hose and wand

• Drain tap for cleaning

• High quality finish

• Clamp down tank cover

• Snap-on connector

• Powerful pump to filter through tight filter paper 

and powder

• Tank cover for protection against dust and dirt after use

The use of MIRACLE Filter Aid Powder reduces FFA and carbon to 4 microns This will significantly extend the life of oil even further more savings for you!

ACE Fryrite Filter Machine Spec Sheet